Quick and effective ways of demolishing Darwinism


According to Darwinists’ erroneous way of thinking, they supposed there is only one explanation for the emergence of living things in nature: All are descended from the very first living cell, which developed spontaneously as the result of blind coincidences.
Over the course of time—and again by chance—earlier species gradually transformed into other genetically different species. To put it another way, Darwinism feels that in order to account for the emergence of life, all that’s needed are coincidences, natural events and long periods of time. According to Darwinists, life emerged through a combination of these accidents, for which reason there can be no question of such concepts as reason, intelligence or even consciousness (Allah is beyond this) playing any part in the process.

According to Darwinist logic, tigers, hares, cats, butterflies, and brightly colored flowers—as well as thinking, reasoning, feeling human beings capable of taking precautions and signing their names to scientific advances—
have all emerged by chance, spontaneously, ever since when natural elements and phenomena such as mud, rain, lightning, thunder and wind combined over long periods of time to create life. However, this myth is so ridiculous that not even a primary school student could possibly believe it.
From their assertion, it follows that the fossil record—and specifically, fossil skulls—should contain clear evidence of this imaginary unconscious process that took place over millions of years. If species really are descended from earlier life forms, then intermediate signs of the process should be visible throughout the fossil record. If life forms reach their most advanced forms at the end of a number of previous stages, then the number of fossilized life forms in the process of changing—from fish to reptiles, from reptiles to mammals, and from mammals to intermediate life forms that supposedly took to flying in the air, should be much greater than the number of fossils that had completed the imaginary evolutionary process.

The photo below shows a fossil researcher determining the borders between one rock layer and the other strata. This process involves the identification of all the strata present, the formation process involved and the movement of the Earth that is still going on. Thus the age of fossils as well as their location can both be determined.
There should be billions of such fossils, and the fictitious process of evolution should be crystal clear from them. The fossil record, therefore, should constitute one of the most important proofs of the theory of evolution.
And in fact, Charles Darwin himself was well aware of this:
If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the same group together, must assuredly have existed. . . . Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains.1
. . . the number of intermediate and transitional links, between all living and extinct species, must have been inconceivably great.2

No trace of any life form that could possibly be proposed as the supposed ancestor of the starfish has ever been found. Neither have starfish been observed to develop into any other life form. They have been in existence for
hundreds of millions of years, and if Darwinist claims were true, they should long ago have turned into other forms of marine life, or even have become terrestrial creatures. Yet no such transition has ever taken place. This 430-millionyear- old starfish fossil completely refutes all claims that evolution represents the origin of new species.
A 125-millionyear- old spider fossil and a specimen living today.
But the truth revealed by the fossil record is very different! Millions of fossils belonging to tens of thousands of different species have been discovered. All of these represent fully formed and complete life forms, each with a perfect appearance and complexity. There is no trace of the intermediate species expected by Darwin and so longed for by all Darwinists since.
Not a single intermediate form has been found anywhere in the world. Life forms tens of millions of years old have exactly the same appearance as their living counterparts today. Ants, flies, fish, bears, spiders, tigers and lions alive today are exactly the same as their counterparts that lived millions of years in the past. All have exactly the same levels of complexity as their ancient counterparts. They have never changed—in other words, they never evolved.

One substance in which the very best-preserved fossils appear is amber.
Fossils within amber resulted when the clear sap or resin secreted by trees
solidifies around living things and preserved them as they were at the very moment of death. These 25-million-year-old flying ants are specimens that invalidate the theory of evolution.
This applies to all the other living things on Earth, plants and animals alike. Fish have never changed, and neither have birds. Reptiles have survived unchanged, and so have crustaceans. There are countless fossil specimens that show that living things have never changed. This is the truth placed on display throughout the volumes that comprise the Atlas of Creation series. These books consider only a very small part of all the fossils that demonstrate how living things have always remained exactly the same. Without exception, all the millions of fossils obtained to date, constitute evidence that evolution never happened.
The fossils presented in this website totally demolish one of Darwinists’ major claims: their scenario of mammalian evolution. These fossil skulls, millions of years old, show that these mammals lived in exactly the same forms as those alive today—which fact deals a serious blow to Darwinism. The realization that so many birds, reptiles, fish and finally mammals never underwent evolution strongly suggests that the idea of human evolution is utter nonsense, too. The idea of human evolution, for which Darwinists have been unable to provide any shred of evidence, has been totally discredited by the millions of “living fossils” representing species that are still alive today.

Excavations carried out over the last 150 years have always produced evidence that totally discredits evolution. One such is this 50-million-yearold crab fossil unearthed at Monte Baldo in Italy, which demonstrates that crabs have always existed as crabs.
The fossils depicted in this website represent just a very few of the mammal skulls discovered to date. Anyone with common sense who examines these will agree that each fossil shows that the given species of mammal has remained unchanged in the form in which it was originally created. That, in turn, will lead to a better understanding of the deceptive nature of Darwinism, which maintains that human beings are only another species of animal descended from apes. In the same way that evolution never happened over the course of natural history, so there is no equivalent “turning point” in human history. All the hoaxes perpetrated to keep this deception alive have been proven vain. The sublime and flawless Creation of our Lord Allah, the Creator and sole Lord of all entities, is plain for everyone to grasp. The artistry of our Lord, Who creates from nothing, is displayed all over the world.
You can see this for yourself merely from glancing at a rose in the garden, at a bird’s wing, at all the countless living species in all their variety, or at the magnified image of just one single cell. The fossil record has provided plentiful evidence that makes it impossible to deny this immaculate Creation. No objections can any longer be raised to this conclusive evidence.

At an era when evolutionists maintain that a primitive environment prevailed, already there were complex life forms with exactly the same appearance and physical structures that they display today. Even tens of millions of years ago, the Earth was filled with highly sophisticated and well-formed species with all the characteristics they possess today.
This life form, which lived 57 million years ago, is identical to its counterparts living today. Like hundreds of thousands of other species today, this fossilized one has never undergone any changes in the intervening time.
Darwinists are struggling in vain because willingly or not, they have finally come to admit the death of the theory of evolution. All their efforts aimed at keeping Darwinism alive are helpless and despairing. Nobody any longer attach any credence to Darwinism. No doubt, the most rational course of action is to see the truth and shun one’s past errors, abandon any false dream, and to cease wasting one’s time in this world—which was created as a place of testing—on such a hollow goal.


Darwin’s thesis that human beings and apes are descended from a common ancestor was never supported by any scientific findings, neither when he first proposed it, not afterward. All the efforts exerted from then to the present—a period of some 150 years—have been in vain. All the fossils obtained to date have proved that apes have always existed as apes, that human beings have always existed as human beings, that apes did not turn into humans and that apes, and that humans have no common ancestor.

This fossil tiger skull shows that tigers have been exactly the same for the last 80 million years, without undergoing any alterations.

Despite Darwinists’ intensive propaganda and efforts aimed at intimidating academic circles, many scientists have nevertheless issued unequivocal statements that the idea of human evolution is not based on any scientific data. One such is the Harvard University paleoanthropologist David Pilbeam:
If you brought in a smart scientist from another discipline and showed him the meager evidence we’ve got, he’d surely say, “Forget it; there isn't enough to go on.”3
William Fox, whose book The Bone Peddlers takes paleoanthropology as its subject matter, also says that so-called human evolution is unsupported by any scientific findings:

1) Many species of ape have existed over the course of geologic history, and the great majority of them have since become extinct. Darwinists use these extinct apes’ skulls to engage in various kinds of speculation.
2) Features of the Homo erectus skull, such as the protrusions over the eyebrows and its backward-sloping brow, can also be seen in certain present-day races, such as the native Malaysian on the left.
3) An aboriginal race will preserve its characteristic unless it becomes intermixed with another race. It will not, for example, develop into a Western European race. No matter how much time elapses, these people will never evolve in such a way as to acquire different characteristics; will never acquire a greater skull size than the one they have now, and will never acquire new anatomical features
As we have seen, there are numerous scientists and popularizes today who have the temerity to tell us that there is “no doubt” how man originated. If only they had the evidence. . . . .4
Faced by the disappointment inflicted on them by the fossil record and their own lack of evidence, evolutionists were reduced to setting skulls out one after the other, in a totally invalid sequence, and to speculating about these fossils, whose fraudulent nature had in any case long since been documented.
The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) suddenly emerged in Europe around 100,000 years ago and became extinct—or else became completely assimilated by other races—some 35,000 years ago. The only differences between them and present-day humans are
that their rather more powerful skeletons and their slightly larger average skull sizes. Scientific findings show that the Neanderthals were a human race no different, in terms of intelligence and cultural levels, from ourselves.
Cro-Magnon man, on the other hand, is of a race estimated to have lived until 30,000 years ago. It had a dome-shaped skull and a broad forehead. Its 1600-cubic centimeter skull volume is again, slightly greater than that of present-day humans. Cro-Magnon had thick protrusions
over its eyebrows, and a bony protrusion on the
back of the head that is a characteristic of Neanderthal man.
The visible differences between the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons can also be seen among present-day human
races. In the same way that structural differences between an Anglo-Saxon and an Eskimo or an African and a European do not suggest that one race is more developed or backward than another, so physical differences between races that existed in the past do not imply that one was more backward or “ape-like” than any other. These races disappeared from the Earth by becoming assimilated with other races or by becoming extinct in some other way. But they were still fully fledged human beings, not at all “primitive” or “ape-like.”
In fact, the analysis of skulls belonging to apes, other life forms, and to human races that once lived in the past shows that all of them possessed all their characteristics during the course of their existence, and that they never underwent any changes. Living things never evolved, but were all created by Allah. As you shall see from the specimens included in the following pages, just as numerous life forms such as frogs, lizards, dragonflies, flies and cockroaches have undergone no changes in their limbs and other organs, so have their heads undergone no changes. The head regions of birds and fish have also remained unchanged.
The skulls of countless mammals such as leopards, wolves, foxes, tigers, rhinoceroses, tigers, pandas, lions and hyenas have also stayed exactly the same over the millions of years since they were first created. This stability constitutes a definitive refutation of the idea that living things evolved.
The stability that all these life forms reveal also applies to human beings. In the same way that the skull structures of tens of thousands of species have not changed over millions of years, so there have been no alterations in the human skull. Fish have always existed as fish, birds as birds, reptiles as reptiles, and human s as human beings. There is no evidence of steady progress from the primitive to the more advanced, of the kind claimed by evolutionists, in the organs or structures of any living thing.
In relating the fictitious story of human evolution, evolutionists point to the volume, eyebrow protrusions or brow structures of the skulls they find, and set up their own supposed evolutionary sequence and family trees. But the structural differences in fossil skulls are no evidence of evolution: These skulls belong either to extinct species of apes, or else to various human races that once existed. It is entirely logical that skulls belonging to different human races should display structural differences. Different species of fish have differently shaped heads. For example, the head shape of a trout bears no resemblance to that of an eel, although both are fish. Similarly, there may be differences between the skulls of different human races.
It is perfectly natural that there should be differences in the eye sockets, forehead structures, muscular structures and skull volumes between Pygmies and British people, Russians and Chinese, Australian Aborigines and Eskimos, Negroes and Japanese But these differences do not mean that one race is descended from another, or is more primitive or more advanced than another. An aboriginal race will always maintain the same distinctive features for as long as it does not intermarry with members of another race. No matter how much time passes, these human beings will never evolve in such a way as to acquire different characteristics. Their skull volumes will not become any larger than they are now, and they will not acquire different anatomical structures.
For example, various Malaysian native peoples living today possess the same large muscular protrusions and backward-slanting brow structure as that of the skulls of Homo erectus, which evolutionists regard as being a primitive ancestor. If evolutionists’ claims were true, the Malaysian natives in question should have a structure and appearance of humans who have recently evolved from being apes and have not yet developed fully into Homo sapiens. Yet that is not the case at all. The fact that anatomical features of the H. erectus skull can still be seen today shows that H. erectus was not a primitive species and also, that evolutionists’ scenario of the human family tree is a fiction.
In short, the fact that some past human races had anatomical structures different from human beings alive today in no way constitutes evidence in favor of evolution. Anatomical distinctions can be seen in all periods of recorded history and among all different human races. Americans and Japanese, Europeans and Australian Aborigines, Eskimos and Negroes or Pygmies all have distinctively different skulls. But this does not mean that some of these races are any more developed or more backward than the others.
If, thousands of years in the future, scientists discover the skull of an American who lived in the 2000s and was some 1.90 meters tall, and compare it with the skull of a Japanese individual who also lived in the 2000s but was only 1.60 meters tall, they will observe a great many differences between them—first and foremost, in terms of size. If, on the basis of these differences, they then suggest, that the Japanese were primitive and that Americans were several rungs higher up the developmental ladder, of course they will be making an interpretation that in no way reflects the true state of affairs.
In addition, skull volume is no criterion for measuring anyone’s intelligence or capacities. There are many humans with well-developed bodies but insufficiently developed intelligence. In the same way, many people have bodies and therefore, skulls, smaller than those of others, but who are nevertheless highly intelligent. Their skulls cannot be evaluated by the scientists of the future, at least not in a scientifically valid way and on the basis of dimensions alone, to set out any supposed evolutionary line of progression—because that sequence will not reflect the true facts. Differences in skull size are known to be totally unrelated to intelligence and ability. If someone spends his life in intense mental activity, his skull will not grow in size. Only his mental abilities will get stronger.. Intelligence varies, not in relation to skull size, but according to the organization within the brain itself.5
The following pages offer just a few examples of the countless fossil skulls that invalidate the theory of evolution. These specimens all prove that no life form has ever changed during its natural history; they have all existed with the same features they enjoyed when they were first created. In addition to this evidence, this website also contains statements that indicate and emphasize the dilemmas facing Darwinist thinking. For example, Darwinists, who illogically maintain that living things develop by constant change, are asked to account for the evident stability in every fossil life form. The theory of evolution, which suggests that human beings are allegedly descended from apes, has to explain why no process, similar to the imaginary one it claims took place in apes, occurred in other life forms. Evolutionists have no answer as to why a bear did not one day decide to walk on two legs, why a fox did not raise its level of intelligence enough to become a professor, or why a panda never became a composer writing stupendous symphonies. The reason why the subject is discussed using examples and logical progressions accessible even to children is that Darwinism is constructed upon unbelievable illogicality. Depicted as a scientific theory, Darwinism is in fact an unbelievably illogical ideology.
People have now fully realized that Darwinism, the worst scandal in the history of the world, is built around lies, hoaxes and irrational claims. In the 21st century, the whole world is witnessing Darwinism’s collapse.
More than 6,000 species of ape have existed at one time or another. The great majority of them have since become extinct and vanished, leaving only some 120 species alive today. But the fossils belonging to these nearly 6,000 extinct species represent a rich source of hoaxes for evolutionists. Unable to point to any concrete evidence, evolutionists surround fossils of extinct apes with biased analyses and then present them as evidence for evolution.
For years now, evolutionists have been employing such methods in order to gather supporters and mislead the public. However, they now need to see that these methods are of no use. The false evidence used by evolutionists to make their tall tales of the alleged human evolution seem more credible—and the debunking of that evidence—are summarized below. However, there are many more evolutionist hoaxes than the few considered here. All the “ancestor of man” reports in the media, as well as the illustrations accompanying them are completely fictitious. Concrete scientific discoveries have now demolished the story that human beings became human by means of a gradual course of development.

Piltdown Man: A fossil skull was discovered in 1912 and described as belonging to a half-human, half-ape species. For the next 40 years or so, evolutionists used this fossil as one of their supposedly strongest pieces of evidence, making countless analyses and illustrations of it in a statement issued on 21 November 1953, however, Piltdown Man was finally declared to be a hoax. A dating test performed 40 years after its discovery revealed that the jawbone and the skull did not actually belong to each other.
More detailed examination revealed that the “Piltdown Man” skull had been assembled by adding an orangutan jaw to a human skull, which was then aged using potassium dichromate. The way that the skull had been displayed in London’s Natural History Museum for 40 years and that no permission had been given for detailed scientific studies to be carried out during that time has gone down as a major scientific scandal.

Fossils discovered on the islands of Java in 1891 and 1892 were given the name Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus).
Fossils discovered near Pekin in 1923-1927 were given the name Pekin Man (Sinanthropus pekinensis). In 1939, however, two experts, Ralph von Koenigswald and Franz Weidenreich, revealed that both were actually normal
human beings.(1) And Ernst Mayr from Harvard University had classified both as human in 1944.(2)
Nebraska Man:  A single tooth, discovered in 1922 by Henry F. Osborn of the American Museum of Natural History, was depicted as belonging to an intermediate life form between apes and human beings. However, in an article published in Science magazine in 1927, Osborn’s colleague William Gregory stated that the tooth actually belonged to a wild boar—whereupon all evolutionist claims regarding the fossil were quietly laid aside. The illustration to the side, produced on the basis of a single tooth by evolutionists of the time, was published in the press.
This attempt by evolutionists to reconstruct a living thing on the basis of a single tooth is a striking instance of how biased and misleading they can be when it comes to defending and imposing their theories.
Nebraska Man:  A single tooth, discovered in 1922 by Henry F. Osborn of the American Museum of Natural History, was depicted as belonging to an intermediate life form between apes and human beings. However, in an article published in Science magazine in 1927, Osborn’s colleague William Gregory stated that the tooth actually belonged to a wild boar—whereupon all evolutionist claims regarding the fossil were quietly laid aside. The illustration to the side, produced on the basis of a single tooth by evolutionists of the time, was published in the press.
This attempt by evolutionists to reconstruct a living thing on the basis of a single tooth is a striking instance of how biased and misleading they can be when it comes to defending and imposing their theories.

The illustration above shows the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Amud 1 skull discovered in Israel. Its owner has been estimated to be 1.80 meters. tall, and its brain volume is the greatest so far discovered: 1740 cubic centimeters.
Neanderthal Man:  After the first specimens were discovered in the Neander Valley in 1856, evolutionists suggested that Neanderthals were primitive ape-men. Subsequent archaeological discoveries, however, revealed that there was no scientific basis to that claim. Erik Trinkhaus, an expert on the subject of the Neanderthals and also an evolutionist, has admitted that, “Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.”(4)
In addition, the size of the Neanderthal Man skull—200 cubic centimeters greater than that of present-day humans—reveals the invalidity of the claim that it was an intermediate form between humans and apes.

A fossil belonging to the Neanderthal race
The Taung Child: A fossil skull discovered by Raymond Dart in South Africa in 1924 was initially depicted as a supposed ancestor of man. However, contemporary evolutionists can no longer maintain that it represents such an ancestor—because it subsequently transpired that the skull belonged to a young gorilla! The famous anatomist Bernard Wood stated that this fossil constitutes no evidence in favor of evolution in an article published in New Scientist magazine. (5)
Lucy: This fossil, discovered in Africa in 1974, was widely esteemed by evolutionists and was the subject of some of the most intensive speculation. Recently however, it has been revealed that Lucy (A. afarensis) had an anatomy ideally suited to climbing trees and was no different from other apes we are familiar with.(6) The French scientific journal Science et Vie covered the story in 1999 under the headline “Adieu, Lucy.” One study, performed in 2000, discovered a locking system in Lucy’s forearms enabling it to walk using the knuckles, in the same way as modern-day chimps.(7)
In the face of all these findings, many evolutionist experts declared that Lucy could not have been a forerunner of man.(8)
Ramapithecus: A partial jawbone, consisting of two parts, was discovered by G.E. Lewis in India in the 1930s. Based on these two jaw bone fragments, claimed to be 14 million years old, evolutionists reconstructed Ramapithecus’s family and supposed natural habitat (at side). For fifty years, the fossil was portrayed as an ancestor of Man but following the results of a 1981 anatomical comparison with a baboon skeleton, evolutionists were forced to quietly set it aside.(9)
1) B. Theunissien, Eugene Dubois and the Ape-Man from Java, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, s. 39
(2) Garniss Curtis, Carl Swisher and Roger Lewin, “Java Man”, Abacus, London, 2000, s. 87
(3) http://www.archaeologyinfo.com/australopithecusboisei.htm
(4) Erik Trinkaus, "Hard Times Among the Neanderthals", Natural History, cilt 87, Aralık 1978, s. 10.
(5) Bernard Wood, “Who Are We” New Scientist, 26.10.2002, s.44.
(6) Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 75-94; Fred Spoor, Bernard Wood, Frans Zonneveld, "Implication of Early Hominid Labryntine Morphology for Evolution of Human Bipedal Locomotion", Nature, cilt 369, 23 Haziran 1994, s. 645-648.
(7) Richmond, B.G. and Strait, D.S., Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor, Nature 404(6776):382, 2000
(8) “Discovery rocks human-origin theories”, Tim Friend, 21 March 2003: http://www.usatoday.com/news/ science/2001-03-21-skull.htm
(9) Science Digest, Nisan 1981
If evolution truly did take place, then the Earth’s strata should be full of billions of intermediate-form fossils. In addition, these millions of living things should have been distinctly abnormal in appearance because of the effects of mutations. Organs subjected to mutation many times over should have turned into abnormal forms. Before attaining their perfect and attractive present appearance, these living things must first have had abnormal transitional appearances. For example, before the emergence of the highly symmetrical human face with its two ears, two eyes, nose and mouth, there must have been a great many abnormal mutated faces with impaired symmetry, imperfect ears and eyes, the nose sited right between the eyes or on the chin, or where the ear should have been, and countless other such abnormalities.

Were Darwinists’ claims true, then the remains of a great many peculiar living things should be encountered in the fossil record, as shown in these illustrations: a large number of eye sockets, noses in different places, a jaw in both in the front and the back, an abnormally developed skull, etc. However, research conducted over the last 150 years has produced absolutely no such fossil remains. On the contrary, all the fossils unearthed so far show that all living things have been flawless, exhibiting no deficiencies since the moment they were first created, and have never changed or developed new features throughout the course of their existence.
A ll the horse skulls so far unearthed have been flawless and free from deficiencies, just like those of present-day horses. None of them have any pathological features such as semi-developed bones, teeth atop of the skull, misplaced eyes in the jaw or asymmetrical three nostrils. If—as evolutionists would have us believe—horses attained their present forms by constantly changing and going through a great many different stages, then a great many skulls should exhibit structural impairments, as seen here. Traces of the mutations to which horses were subjected should also be visible in the fossil record. Yet no such traces have ever been encountered. Fossils are proof that horses never evolved.

Horses have a wide capacity for variation among themselves. Breeds of horse living today, though all of the same species, are very different in terms of their structures and dimensions. The error of the evolutionists who set up the so-called equine evolution series lay in depicting fossils of these different breeds as an evolutionary sequence.
A great many different breeds of horses are living in different parts of the world today.
Many evolutionists openly admit the invalidity of the equine evolution scenario. A four-day conference attended by 150 evolutionists held at the Chicago Museum of Natural History in November 1981, considered the problems facing the gradual theory of evolution. At that conference, Boyce Rensberger stated that there was no basis in the fossil record for the equine evolution scenario and that no such process as gradual equine evolution ever happened:
The popularly told example of horse evolution, suggesting a gradual sequence of changes from four-toed fox-sized creatures living nearly 50 million years ago to today’s much larger one-toed horse, has long been known to be wrong. Instead of gradual change, fossils of each intermediate species appear fully distinct, persist unchanged, and then become extinct. Transitional forms are unknown. (Boyce Rensberger, Houston Chronicle, 5 November, 1980, Part 4, p. 15.)


Age: 32 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Qing Dao, China
There are countless scenarios concerning the myth of human evolution, none any scientific basis. All consist of speculations invented to persuade people to view themselves as chance entities descended from apes. All the fossils that Darwinists claimed as intermediate fossils in the imaginary human evolution series were subsequently proven to belong either to various species of monkey or else to human races. It is a scientific fact that monkeys have always existed as monkeys and never developed into any other life form. One of the proofs documenting this is the 32-million-year-old monkey skull illustrated. This fossil is identical to to the skulls of present-day monkeys. There are no traces showing any changes in the direction of Homo sapiens.

Age: 4.9 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Gan Su, China
No one lacking preconceived ideas, but who thinks in a free and honest manner, can possibly believe that unconscious atoms assembled themselves as the result of chance, organized themselves, and gave rise to human beings who think, reason, feel see, hear, make discoveries and produce works of art. Yet Darwin’s theory of evolution imposes just that irrational assumption.
Countless discoveries made in tens of different fields of science have shown that the superstitious beliefs of Darwinism can no longer be maintained. One such piece of evidence is the 4.9-million-year-old wolf skull shown here. As they are regarding all other living things, Darwinists are in a hopeless position in the face of this fossil, which proves that wolves never evolved.

Age: 40 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Si Chuan, China
Panda remains dating back 90 million years, 73 million years and this 40-million-year old skull shown here are all identical to those of present-day pandas. Whichever panda remains we may examine we still see no difference between them and their present counterparts. The fossil record contains no trace of pandas’ imaginary forerunners. Darwinists’ speculation on the subject of the supposed evolution of pandas and other living things is meaningless. The scientific evidence cannot be concealed with myths and suppositions. The theory of evolution is fated to be condemned as one of the 20th century’s worst deceptions.

Age: 4.6 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: An Hui, China
The theory of evolution, developed in the primitive scientific climate in Darwin’s time and maintained in an environment of ignorance through such tactics as imagination, prejudice, sleight of hand and demagoguery, has now collapsed in the face of modern scientific discoveries. The fossil record has shown that intermediate forms exist only in evolutionists’ imaginations and that each species was individually created. One important example of this is a 4.6-million-year-old hyena skull. Living things appeared exactly the same millions of years in the past as they do today.

Age: 4.3 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Ji Lin, China
The history of paleontology is full of examples of fossils that invalidate evolution being hidden away in museum warehouses. Pictures of the first specimens of Cambrian Period fossils to be discovered were concealed for 70 years in the storerooms of the Smithsonian Institution because they represented major evidence that fundamentally refuted evolution. Given such an example, it was inevitable that the theory of evolution would attempt to conceal specimens of countless living fossils subsequently unearthed, and for exactly the same reason. However, the situation was by no means what Darwinists had been expecting.
Darwinists never imagined that so many specimens of so-called “living fossils” would be discovered. The number of fossil specimens unearthed in excavations carried out to date is exceedingly high. One example is this horse skull dating back 4.3 million years, which is identical to the skull of present-day horses.

Age: 67 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Yun Nan, China
Snow leopards, with their magnificent appearance, elegant fur and extraordinary equipment, were in existence as long as 67 million years ago. This 67-million-year-old snow leopard skull, identical in all respects to the skulls of snow leopards living today, makes this crystal-clear. Contrary to Darwinists’ expectations, this animal which, according to the theory of evolution, should have taken a very long time to develop gradually actually appears suddenly and fully formed in the fossil record with no intermediate form or forerunners behind it. Evolutionists need to account for this sudden and flawless appearance in the fossil record; yet they are silent and despairing, because they know that these remains from the past are actually evidence of Creation.

Age: 48 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Shan Dong, China
The late evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould admitted that fossils have never provided any support for the theory of evolution:
The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology . . . We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life’s history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study.6
As Gould admitted, there is no evidence that any evolutionary process ever took place. All scientific findings reveal that life is actually the work of Almighty Allah. One such finding is a 48-million-year old bear skull.

The record jumps, and all the evidence shows that the record is real: the gaps we see reflect real events in life's history-not the artifact of a poor fossil record. 7—Evolutionist Niles Eldredge
What Eldredge means is that now we have a sufficiently high number of fossil specimens to let us see how natural history developed. In terms of the supposed process of evolution, however, there are also huge gaps between these specimens. The reason for this is not any lack of fossilized examples, but rather that these fossils are incompatible with any evolutionary scenario. The fossil record documents that evolution never took place.
Age: 3.5 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Yun Nan, China

Age: 36 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Si Chuan, China
As a basis for claiming that human beings are descended from apes, Darwinists point to the imitative ability of certain species of monkey. Monkeys are able to mimic actions and behavior they see, but this does not allow them to eventually evolve into human beings. If it did, then other species of animal also known to be intelligent should also have become possessed of human attributes. Parrots, for example, are also able to mimic human speech. Therefore, according to Darwinists’ nonsensical claims, there must be a greater likelihood of parrots developing human speech.
Countless findings, such as the 36-million-year-old monkey skull illustrated here, prove that living things have always remained the same, have never changed, and never developed into any other life form—and that it’s meaningless to insist on such illogical claims.

Age: 53 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Gui Zho-u, China
If evolutionist logic were correct, ponies should long since have developed into larger horses. However, as the fossil record makes perfectly clear, ponies have survived for tens of millions of years without undergoing even the slightest change.
This stability, or stasis, applies to all living species, and represents one of the most serious problems confronting Darwinism, because it demolishes evolution’s fundamental claim, that all living things are descended from a supposed common ancestor and have diversified by one species evolving into others.

Age: 3.1 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Yun Nan, China
Darwinists cannot account for the trilobite’s eye, which these crustaceans already possessed as long as 530 million years ago. Darwinists cannot explain how living things in the sea, on land and in the air appeared suddenly and survived unchanged for the entire course of their existence. Darwinists maintain that one species developed into another, but they cannot explain how a single original cell could change in such a way as to assume different functions in a multi-cellular creature. Darwinism is a theory at a dead end, and is gradually dying out as new discoveries are made with every passing day. The 3.1-million-year-old Caribbean monk seal skull shown here is one of the many proofs to accelerate this process of disappearance.

Age: 69 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Shan Dong, China
As evidence for the so-called evolution of man, Darwinists pointed to a very limited number of fossils. Many years ago, they interpreted them as their most important specimens of intermediate forms. However, subsequent scientific progress has shown that the fossils in question belonged either to monkeys or else to human races that existed at some time in the past. For that reason, all the so-called evidence for human evolution has gradually been removed from the scientific literature. The only reason why some Darwinist publications still refer to these fossils is entirely speculative—they are of no scientific value at all.
Another scientific finding that reveals that the evolution of man is a lie and that human beings did not evolve from any previous life form is the countless numbers of fossils unearthed. One such example is this 69-million-year-old grey wolf skull, showing that this species of animal has never changed over the course of millions of years. This stasis, which applies to all living things, certainly applies to monkeys as well.

Age: 4.3 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Gan Su, China
Fossil specimens dating back millions of years, when compared with present-day life forms, reveal that there was no transition in morphology and that evolution from one species to another never happened. This fact applies equally to ants and butterflies, polar bears and lizards, and fruit flies and zebras. Darwin’s theory of evolution is unsupported by any scientific findings whatsoever. No evidence to support it has ever been produced since Darwin’s day. And with every passing day, the fossil record makes that lack of evidence even more obvious. This 4.3-million-year-old raccoon skull clearly shows that Darwin was completely wrong.

Age: 3.4 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Quing Hai, China
Allah has created the zebra with all its magnificent attributes, as He has all other living things. It is Allah Who created their distinguishing and highly attractive stripes that set them apart from other four-footed species. This is the reality that Darwinists are unable to understand, find it difficult to grasp and even, in the majority of cases, stubbornly refuse to see. Paleontology reveals this reality, however, through countless examples. The 3.4-million-year-old zebra skull shown here refutes evolution and declares that Creation is the truth.


Age: 4.4 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Zi Bo, China
Darwinists have created a story to explain the supposed evolution of every single life form. Since Darwinism is not based upon reason, logic or any scientific evidence, producing a scenario regarding the development of a specific life form depends on the power of conjecture, Darwinists’ most highly developed talent. But Darwinists never expected that so many fossils would be discovered revealing that living never changed with the passage of time. They imagined that “living fossils” were very few in number and could easily be explained away, at least to their own minds. They never thought that such definitive proof would be unearthed that all living things have remained exactly the same. Therefore, they never expected that one by one, all their tall tales would be totally discredited. They were unaware that every plot would eventually, as a law of Allah, be neutralized.
Since this 4.4-million-year-old bear skull is identical to the skulls of bears alive today, it constitutes a definitive refutation of the theory of evolution.

Age: 2.8 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: He Zheng, China
The fossil illustrated on this page constitutes yet another piece of evidence that demolishes the equine evolution myth, which Darwinists are still employing today as one of their most important propaganda tools. This 2.8-million-year-old horse’s head was identical to horses living in the present day, showing that the equine evolution sequences still displayed in natural history museums today are false, and of no scientific value. Given this scientific reality, it is pointless for Darwinists to place representative illustrations in their publications, in an attempt to reinvigorate this fictitious scenario through the use of reconstructions and displays of fraudulent evolutionary series in natural history museums. The theory of horse evolution has been totally and utterly disproved.

Age: 4.6 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Gan Su, China
This fossil shows that pandas have always existed as pandas, and also totally refutes the idea of the evolution of living things. To date, they never have found one single fossil indicating the supposed ancestor of the panda or that indicates that pandas underwent various intermediate stages before attaining their present-day form. No matter how old, every single panda fossil unearthed discovered has exactly the same characteristics as those possessed by present-day pandas. Darwinists are completely helpless in the face of this reality.
Age: 48 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Gan Su, China
In 1993, Stephen Jay Gould wrote in the magazine Natural History about the way living species things can be observed to have exactly the same characteristics throughout the fossil record:
Stasis, or nonchange of most fossil species during their lengthy geological lifespans, was tacitly acknowledged by all paleontologists, but almost never studied explicitly because prevailing theory treated stasis as uninteresting nonevidence for nonevolution . . . [T]he overwhelming prevalence of stasis became an embarrassing feature of the fossil record, but left ignored as a manifestation of nothing (that is, nonevolution).8
The only reason why evolutionists refer to the stasis in the fossil record as “embarrassing” is that if living things experience no changes, that invalidates the theory of evolution. This information, which shows that evolution never happened, is evidence for the fact of Creation.

Age: 6.7 million years
Period: Miocene
Location: Shan Dong, China
In his book In Search of Deep Time, Henry Gee states that no evidence in the fossil record supports the theory of evolution and that on the contrary, evolutionists interpret the information available to them in a biased manner, in the light of their own preconceptions:
The reason for this lies with the fact of the scale of geological time that scientists are dealing with, which is so vast that it defies narrative.9
As Gee makes clear, the fossil record has shown that Darwinism’s claims regarding life and the origin of life are totally unrealistic. Countless examples, such as the 6.7-million-year-old sun bear skull shown here, prove that Darwinism consists of a hypothesis bearing no relation whatsoever to the true facts.

Age: 47 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Shan Dong, China
The 47-million-year-old Siberian wolf skull shown illustrated has been perfectly preserved for 47 million years, and its appearance is no different at all from that of present-day Siberian wolves. Such important indications in the fossil record entirely defeat all the various efforts to keep the theory of evolution alive over the last 150 years or so. All the fossils we have in our possession say the same thing; Animals have remained unchanged for millions of years and look just like their present-day counterparts. In other words, they never evolved.

Age: 32 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: An Hui, China
The British paleontologist Derek W. Ager describes how the fossil record poses a major difficulty for the theory of evolution:

The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, whether at the level of orders or of species, we find—over and over again—not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another.10
One fossil that proves that its species never passed through any intermediate stages is the 32-million-year-old Tasmanian devil skull pictured here.

Age: 29 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Yin Chuan, China
Evolutionists’ attempts to portray the wild donkey as the ancestor of the horse are totally hollow. Fossils have proved that wild donkeys have always existed as wild donkeys, and are not descended from any other life form. The fossil illustrated shows that wild donkeys living 27 million years ago were identical to those living today—which effectively silences all evolutionist claims.
New species did not emerge as the result of mutations and blind coincidences. It is Almighty Allah, Who possesses a sublime creative power, Who created them all.

Age: 7.3 million years
Period: Miocene
Location: An Hui, China
The fossil record poses a major problem for the theory of evolution. From time to time, this fact is admitted by evolutionists themselves, as in the words of the evolutionist and paleontologist Mark Czarnecki:
A major problem in proving the theory [of evolution] has been the fossil record; the imprints of vanished species preserved in the Earth’s geological formations. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical intermediate variants—instead, species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God.11

Age: 32 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Qing Dao, China
Not one single fossil possessing half-ape and half-human characteristics has ever been found. All the fossils portrayed at one time or another as evidence for the supposed evolution of man have later been exposed as hoaxes, and all have been withdrawn by evolutionists themselves. All they have left are scenarios based on Darwinists’ imaginations.
Concrete findings have proved that monkeys have always existed as monkeys, while human beings have always been human. One such finding is the 32-million-year-old monkey skull shown here.

Age: 33 million years
Period: Miocene
Location: Yun Nan, China
Another serious blow to the scenario of horse evolution comes from the 33-million-year-old Asian wild horse shown here. This creature has exactly the same characteristics as those of present-day Asian horses, and nothing about it suggests that it developed from a primitive form to a more advanced one. All its exceedingly complex features are fully complete, and in their modern-day places. The search for an intermediate transition 33 million years ago has ended in disappointment for evolutionists, producing only examples of Asian wild horses with the same perfect anatomy as those living today.

Age: 53 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Shan Dong, China
Over the last two years, various publications have illustrated countless fossils that prove, that living things did not evolve by changing from one form into another. As with the 53-million-year-old grizzly bear skull shown here, these fossils are all identical to species in existence today and have remained unchanged over millions of years. No scientific objection to this reality has been forthcoming from Darwinists. They cannot offer any logical explanation for even one single fossil. The reason is because fossils dating back millions of years represent ancient examples of living things in existence today.

Age: 3.2 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Yun Nan, China
That individual kinds of fossils remain recognizably the same throughout the length of their occurrence in the fossil record had been known to paleontologists long before Darwin published his Origin. Darwin himself . . . prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search . . . .One hundred and twenty years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction is wrong.12
These words from the evolutionist paleontologist Niles Eldredge help explain the 3.2-million-year foal skull in the picture. This creature, which has remained unchanged over millions of years, is a manifestation of a truth that Darwinists have in fact been aware of ever since Darwin’s lifetime.

Documentary - Fossils have discredited evolution