TIGER SKULL Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Si Chuan, China So far, Darwinists have been unable to offer any scientific evidence to support their theories. Through reconstructions, examples of hoaxes and deceptive television and newspaper reports, they try to misdirect people into thinking that evolution really happened. However, the scientific evidence shows that living things millions of years ago had exactly the same appearances and complex structures as they do today, and have never changed. The 90-million-year-old tiger skull in the picture makes this quite clear. Just like other animals and human beings, tiger have never undergone evolution. |
WOLF SKULL Age: 120 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Qing Hai, China With their powerful structures and sublime anatomies, wolves are marvels of Creation, specially created with pads for walking on snow and the stamina to travel huge distances. These animals had exactly the same characteristics 120 million years ago in the past. This wolf skull, perfectly preserved for 120 million years, proves that wolves were living at a time when, according to the theory of evolution, they should still have been in the process of development. Darwinists are unable to account for this stasis within species, but still insist in their thesis of human evolution. Yet there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Just as with this 120-million-year-old wolf and other living things, human beings have never been subjected to evolution. |
HYENA SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gui Zhou, China In the middle of the 20th century, the unearthing of fossils that were completely unchanged—from the fossil record in which Darwin and the Darwinists who came after him placed such great hopes—instilled terrible panic in the adherents of the theory of evolution. They gave the name stasis to this stability in fossils and, in the face of this unexpected development revealed by the fossil record, they came up with the “punctuated evolution” theory to make these new fossils fit in with their earlier main thesis. They imagined that this claim, devoid of any scientific evidence and in fact a totally ludicrous ideas, would be their salvation. Yet they never expected that the fossil record would then inflict an even greater isappointment: In the early 1970s, when punctuated evolution was regarded as a literal savior, only a few specimens of “living fossils” had been identified in the fossil record. But Darwinists never thought that these living fossils would later actually number in the millions. Today, the countless documented living fossils have demolished all the assumptions of the theory of evolution. One of these is the 80-million-year-old hyena skull illustrated. |
WEASEL SKULL Age: 60 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Shan Dong, China From the first cell that coalesced in the primordial soup to the magnificent intricacies of Homo sapiens, the evolution of life—as everybody knows has been one long drive toward greater complexity. The only trouble with what everybody knows. . . is that there is no evidence it’s true.29 These words from Lori Oliwenstein, a former editor of Discover magazine, reveal the undeniable dilemma facing the theory of evolution. Fossils unearthed provide no evidence in favor of evolution. On the contrary, they disgrace the adherents of evolution. This 60-million-year-old weasel skull, identical to those of present-day weasels, reminds Darwinists of exactly the same reality and proves the invalidity of myths of evolution. |
TURTLE Age: 60 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists allow 20 million years for the imaginary process of human evolution to have taken place. That is the period of time that human beings are estimated to have taken to develop from chimpanzees into their present form—the period of time best suited to the theory of evolution. Accordingly, there should be countless intermediate forms demonstrating that 20-million-year transition from chimpanzee to human. Yet out of all the transitional forms that should once have existed, there is not even one. Instead, we have fossils of terrestrial life forms with perfect structures that lived for much longer periods of time. This 60-million-year-old turtle skull proves that these animals have remained unchanged for 60 million years, which represents powerful evidence against evolutionists’ claims regarding human evolution, for which there is no scientific proof whatsoever. That being so, all Darwinist incitement is meaningless. Life forms have never changed, and the evolutionary history the public are indoctrinated with never happened. Allah created all living things, human beings included, from nothing. |
BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gui Zhou, China If, as Darwinists maintain, bears descended from other life forms by way of small, gradual changes, then 90 millions years ago there should have been odd-looking mammals indicating such a change. There should have been peculiar entities with as yet undeveloped eye sockets, lacking ears or whose claws had only begun to form—entities reminiscent of bears, but which had not yet turned into them. In addition, the fossil record should contain a great many traces of these strange beings. However, when we look at fossil remains dating back 90 million years we see that the bears were no different from their counterparts living today. Brown bears alive then had perfectly formed physical structures. The fossil record shows that no other living things have ever changed—in other words, that they never evolved. |
WOLF SKULL Age: 9.3 million years Period: Miocene Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists never reflect on living things. They are unwilling to consider how they have perfect structures and sublime features, and how not one of them could have developed by chance from a single cell. That means they are unable to appreciate the sublime might and omniscience of Allah. According to irrational and unscientific Darwinist thinking, there is but one explanation for all the complexity in the universe: The very first cell supposedly emerged from a collection of muddy water and then later gave rise to the lions, otters, rabbits, cats and humans you see around you. However, the message with which Darwinism seeks to indoctrinate the public is now discredited and moribund. Fish dating back hundreds of millions of years, reptiles, birds and this 9.3-million-year-old wolf skull all point to one single truth: The theory of evolution is a lie. |
ARCTIC FOX SKULL Age: 8.2 million years Period: Miocene Location: Si Chuan, China In order for a mammal like the arctic fox to undergo evolution in the way Darwinists claim, it must undergo comprehensive and intensive changes. In order for these alterations to take place, countless supposedly beneficial mutations have to take place, undeveloped organs must be eliminated, new ones must develop, and all of a living thing’s limbs must change and diversify in such a way as to give rise to new shapes. Moreover, traces of these changes should be visible in the Earth’s strata, and the fossil record should contain evidence of reptiles’ limbs turning into fox legs in the course of time. But there is not a single example of these imaginary transitions in the fossil record. Instead, the fossil record shows that foxes identical to those seen today were also living millions of years in the past. The 8.2-million-year-old Arctic fox skull pictured is confirmation of this. Darwinists have no rational claim they can make in the face of this important evidence. |
TIGER SKULL Age: 78 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Guang Dong, China This tiger skull shows that tigers have remained unchanged for 78 million years. The scenarios that evolutionists have been relating for decades—that living things are descended from a single common ancestor, that they are in a constant state of change and that this is how they develop—are scientifically invalid. Not a single fossil finding will support these scenarios. Excavations have demolished, with an abundance of scientific evidence, the supposed evolution of mammals, as with that of all living things. Fossils represent a lethal blow to Darwinism but definitive and absolute proof of the fact of Creation. |
PANDA SKULL Age: 88 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Pan Zhi Hua, Si Chuan, China Considered in terms of Darwinist claims, in order for any large omnivore such as the panda to evolve, it would require countless transitional stages. In order for these fictitious transitional stages to occur, millions of years and countless changes would be required. But the surprising thing for evolutionists is that the fossil record reveals only pandas exactly the same as those alive today. The proofs that show how present-day pandas were living 88 million years ago and the absence of a single one of the countless intermediate forms that should have once existed—according to Darwinists—are some of the lethal blows that have been dealt to the theory of evolution. It is a simple matter for Allah, Who has created all living things from nothing, to create such a life form today, as well as 88 million years ago. Yet Darwinists are unable to accept this. |
BEAR SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China When we look at any life forms in existence today, we see that they are identical to specimens that lived millions of years ago. Neither bears, pandas, tortoises or any other living thing has ever evolved. This 80-million-year-old bear skull is just one of the proofs confirming this. All the anatomical features of this fossil, preserved for 80 million years among the strata of the Earth, are identical to those of present-day bears. Inasmuch as none of the living things in the Earth’s strata have ever changed, it is utterly illogical for Darwinists to insist that human beings did evolve. |
SIBERIAN WOLF SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China The stasis in the fossil record has now assumed a state that Darwinists cannot possibly deny. Many who have begun accepting the fact that species have not changed have also had to abandon their insistent claims on the subject. Livings fossils—more of which are being discovered by the day—have revealed stasis over the course of tens of millions of years, rather than the slow change expected by Darwinists. The evidence is mounting that species never evolved. Living specimens of the Siberian wolf, an 80-million-year-old fossil skull of which can be seen in the picture, show that these animals have never altered in the slightest. |
TIGER SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gui Zhou, China The photograph shows details of the fossil’s dental structure. 80 million years is a significant length of time for evolutionists. Darwinists have constructed countless imaginary evolutionary scenarios for periods as long as 80 million years. They imagine they have identified the supposed ancestors of the tiger and invent fantasies regarding how these may have changed and how the tiger came into possession of its characteristics on a gradual basis. Thus they produce a totally fictitious, chance-based evolutionary scenario for the tiger, one devoid of any scientific evidence. Because in the eyes of Darwinism, time creates, develops and alters. However, the fossil record contains no odd-looking entities in the process of developing, but rather tigers that appear just like those in the present day. This fossilized tiger skull 80 million years old, clearly reveals all its details and refutes Darwinism with definitive scientific evidence. |
ANTELOPE SKULL Age: 83 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China This 83-million-year-old antelope skull discovered in China reiterates a fact that the fossil record makes clear for all other antelopes: No matter how much time may have gone by, antelopes have never altered at all. There is absolutely no difference between antelopes that lived tens of millions of years ago, nor between them and antelopes living today. The further down one digs, the older the fossil specimens one uncovers, and all show that evolution never happened. Not a single instance of the intermediate fossils that evolutionists for decades expected would eventually turn up has ever been discovered. Darwinists should offer rational and scientific explanation for this. And if they have no explanations to offer, they should accept the reality revealed by science: that our Almighty Lord Allah has created all living things. |
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